Sunday, September 19, 2010

August CPI-U Rate

The August CPI-U value increased to 218.312 over July’s value of 218.011.


March April May June July Aug. Sept.
217.631 218.009 218.178 217.965 218.011 218.312  


With only one month remaining for the November I Bond rate to be determined, the inflation for this period remains very low. If the calculation was based on today’s values, the CPI-U increase would be only 0.31%. If the fixed rate of 0.2% continued, the combined I Bond rate would be a mere 0.82%.

The CPI-U increased for last September through March resulted in a 0.77% CPI-U linked rate. It seems unlikely that the November rate will be higher than today’s 1.74% I Bond.

CPI-U August 2010
I Bond Rates