Saturday, April 14, 2012

May 2012 I Bond rate

What will the next I Bond rate be? Now that we have the 6 month change in the CPI-U for September to March, we know what the inflation-linked rate will be in May 2012. We will now know the fixed rate of the new bonds until the May announcement, but we can calculate what the composite rate may be based on different values for the fixed rate.

The CPI-U increased by 1.1% for this semi-annual period. The fixed rate is currently set at 0%, where it has been for the past 3 consecutive periods. If this fixed rate holds, we can see a May I Bond rate of 2.2%.

Theoretical Fixed Rate Composite Rate
0.00% 2.20%
0.10% 2.30%
0.20% 2.40%
0.30% 2.50%
0.40% 2.60%
0.50% 2.71%
0.60% 2.81%
0.70% 2.91%
0.80% 3.01%
0.90% 3.11%
1.00% 3.21%
1.10% 3.31%
1.20% 3.41%
1.30% 3.51%
1.40% 3.61%


It seems likely the fixed rate will continue to stay at 0%, which would result in a 2.2% I Bond for the first 6 months. Since the current composite rate is 3.06% and it seems unlikely the fixed rate will improve, there is little reason to wait until May to purchase I Bonds.

CPI-U Update for May I Bond Rate

The March CPI-U value has been released, meaning we can now calculate the inflation-linked rate of the May I Bond. With a CPI-U increase from 226.889 to 229.392, the semi-annual inflation results in a 1.1% inflation-linked rate for the May I Bond.


Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.
226.889 226.421 226.230 225.672 226.665 227.663 229.392