Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What will the next I Bond rate be? November 2010

With the inflation portion of the next bond’s rate set at .37%, we can now list out the possible composite rates based on various fixed rates. The fixed rate portion only matters for new bonds purchased between November and April 2011 as all bonds issued prior to that will retain the fixed rate they were issued with.

The current fixed rate is .20%. Buying an I Bond now would allow you to get the current 1.74% rate through to April, when it would change to 0.94%.


Theoretical Fixed Rate Composite Rate
0.00% 0.74%
0.10% 0.84%
0.20% 0.94%
0.30% 1.04%
0.40% 1.14%
0.50% 1.24%
0.60% 1.34%
0.70% 1.44%
0.80% 1.54%
0.90% 1.64%
1.00% 1.74%
1.10% 1.84%
1.20% 1.94%
1.30% 2.04%
1.40% 2.15%


Based on the FDIC, the current average savings account rate is 0.18% while a 60 month CD averages out to 1.66%, so I Bonds remain competitive to cash accounts. (http://www.fdic.gov/regulations/resources/rates/historical/2010_10_18.html)

CPI-U for September released

The CPI-U value for September was released. The new value of 218.439 is up slightly from August’s value of 218.312. More importantly, we now have the full 6 month view of CPI-U used in the November I Bond’s rate.

Based on the March value of 217.631 and September value of 218.439, we know that the inflation-linked portion of the November I Bond will be 0.37%.

March April May June July Aug. Sept.
217.631 218.009 218.178 217.965 218.011 218.312 218.439