Sunday, October 25, 2009

What Will the Next I-Bond Rate be?

Now that we know the CPI-U linked rate of the next I bond period for November 2009 to April 2010, it is only natural to start speculating what the next fixed rate will be.

The fixed rate of an I-bond is set by the Treasury Department every 6 months in an unknown way, meaning we do not know what the next fixed rate will be. The current fixed rate is 0.10% and marks the 3rd consecutive sub-one percent fixed rate.

My personal guess is that we will see a return to the 1.0% fixed rate based on recent positive behavior in the economy. That would result in a composite rate of 4.08%.

Potential Composite Rate values based on potential fixed rate values
Theoretical Fixed Rate Composite Rate
0.00% 3.06%
0.10% 3.16%
0.20% 3.26%
0.30% 3.36%
0.40% 3.47%
0.50% 3.57%
0.60% 3.67%
0.70% 3.77%
0.80% 3.87%
0.90% 3.97%
1.00% 4.08%
1.10% 4.18%
1.20% 4.28%
1.30% 4.38%
1.40% 4.48%

I-Bonds Info

Next Composite Rate for Existing I-Bonds

Given the November-April CPI-I linked rate will be 1.53%, we can now calculate the composite rate of already issued I-bonds.

Composite rates for I-bonds during the November 09 - April 10 period

Fixed Rate Composite Rate
0.00% 3.06%
0.10% 3.16%
0.70% 3.77%
1.00% 4.08%
1.10% 4.18%
1.20% 4.28%
1.30% 4.38%
1.40% 4.48%
1.60% 4.68%
2.00% 5.09%
3.00% 6.11%
3.30% 6.41%
3.40% 6.51%
3.60% 6.72%

I-Bond Rates